Redmond Shopping Center
The project is a new mixed-use retail and office complex of approximately 133,000 SF to be located in the downtown district of Redmond, Washington, an environmentally conscious city, known as the home of Microsoft. The development proposes an architecturally coherent and interesting organization of the prominent though difficult site, wedged between two major thoroughfares. A ramp cuts through two levels of retail, taking cars to the parking levels. Designed as one continuous helix, the parking circles around a large triangular atrium at the center of the building, creating a space that brings light and air, as well as the visitors to the retail levels. The project integrates a variety of pedestrian-friendly traffic improvements proposed by the city of Redmond and is designed to enhance the pedestrian experience. Incorporating numerous energy efficiency measures, renewable energy systems (solar electric, solar thermal, and geothermal), water efficient delivery and recycling systems.