Eames House Conservation
Los Angeles2011-2014
The borrowing of the contents such as furniture, books, artwork, toys, plants, etc. of the Eames House living room for the 2011 exhibition California Design, 1930–1965: ‘Living in a Modern Way’ by the Los Angeles County Museum of Art provided an opportunity for necessary conservation work on the building itself. The house, also known as Case Study House No. 8, had been built by Charles and Ray Eames in 1949 and is open to the public today. Escher GuneWardena was retained by the Eames Foundation as project architects for Phase I. The initial investigation into specific areas of work with the foundation’s long-term goals in mind was the start of a larger study of the buildings and grounds as a whole. The Getty Conservation Institute was also involved from the start in the overall effort to conserve the house for the next several generations, an endeavor which the Eames Foundation named the 250 Year Project.